Sonix Releases New Generative AI Summarization Tool | Martech Edge | Best News on Marketing and Technology
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Sonix Releases New Generative AI Summarization Tool

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Sonix Releases New Generative AI Summarization Tool

Sonix Releases New Generative AI Summarization Tool


Published on : Dec 13, 2022

Sonix Inc, a leader in AI transcription and translation, has released a new generative AI tool that automatically summarizes audio and video recordings in seconds

Sonix has released the world's first tool that automatically transcribes audio or video and creates summaries using generative AI.

This new feature revolutionizes the way people interact with their audio and video by analyzing content and extracting key information. It uses a combination of natural language processing and artificial intelligence to identify the most important elements of the transcript, and once the key points are identified, it creates a summarized version in seconds. The feature allows you to select paragraph of bullet summaries as well as the the length of your summary.

The generative AI feature is a huge time saver for anyone who records audio and video and wants that content transcribed and summarized. It eliminates the need to manually read through transcripts and get an understanding of the key points fast.

"Whether you're using Zoom or Microsoft Teams for meetings or want to summarize literally any audio or video recording, there's now a simple way to do that," says Jamie Sutherland, CEO & Co-founder of Sonix. "It's a no-brainer for anyone who wants to quickly and easily get an understanding of their audio or video recordings."

Propelled forward by OpenAI, generative AI is one of the most exciting and groundbreaking developments in artificial intelligence. Generative AI is an artificial intelligence system that is able to create new content from scratch. It uses algorithms and deep learning techniques to generate novel content that wasn't previously available.

"I used to think of AI as an ambiguous field with very little benefit to the everyday person, but with generative AI, the value is immediately tangible to anyone and everyone," says Sutherland. "The potential of this technology is tremendous and we are just getting started."

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