Social Life Network’s TBI program poised to grow rapidly through roll-up mergers | Martech Edge | Best News on Marketing and Technology
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Social Life Network’s TBI program poised to grow rapidly through roll-up mergers


Social Life Network’s TBI program poised to grow rapidly through roll-up mergers

Social Life Network’s TBI program poised to grow rapidly through roll-up mergers


Published on : Jan 4, 2023

Social Life Network, Inc. (OTC: WDLF), a Technology Business Incubator (TBI) that holds a 15% stake in each of the companies that participate in its TBI program, has announced (Read press release: ) that one of its TBI companies operating in the hunting, fishing and camping industry,, is in conversation with 17 trade show operators, representing 60 shows and more than $20 Million in annual revenue.

“The business model of roll-up mergers by is meant to rapidly increase their bottom-line revenues, while implementing state of the art technology with each trade show attending retailer that ties directly into the HuntPost Social Marketplace,” said CEO, Ken Tapp. “Our focus in the TBI program during the second half of this year has been to aid companies like through the process of strategically rolling up companies that will result in immediate and significant bottom-line revenue growth”, added Tapp.

Social Life’s TBI program supports sector specific social networking ecommerce companies, each of which it owns a 15 percent interest and receives 5% of their revenues. Multiple TBI licensees are currently aiming to increase bottom-line annual revenues through these strategic roll-up mergers.