Merkle Celebrates 20 Years of Collaboration with Salesforce, Elevating Customer Experience Management | Martech Edge | Best News on Marketing and Technology
Merkle Celebrates 20 Years of Collaboration with Salesforce, Elevating Customer Experience Management

customer experience management technology

Merkle Celebrates 20 Years of Collaboration with Salesforce, Elevating Customer Experience Management

Merkle Celebrates 20 Years of Collaboration with Salesforce, Elevating Customer Experience Management

PR Newswire

Published on : May 24, 2024

Merkle, dentsu's leading CXM company, commemorates 20 years of partnership with Salesforce, showcasing a legacy of innovation and customer-centricity in the digital realm.

  1. Pioneering Salesforce Partnership:

    • With over 3,000 Salesforce certified employees and 8,900 certifications, Merkle stands as a premier agency partner and one of the largest Salesforce Commerce Cloud partners globally.
    • Merkle's organic growth and strategic acquisitions have bolstered its Salesforce practice, enhancing capabilities and expanding geographical reach.
  2. Commitment to Future Acceleration:

    • Michel Mayor, SVP, global Salesforce practice leader at Merkle, reaffirms the company's commitment to amplifying its global Salesforce practice through continuous investment.
    • Merkle's industry experts actively contribute to nine Salesforce Partner Advisory Boards, shaping the future of Salesforce programs, products, and industry solutions.
  3. Innovative Solutions and Integrations:

    • In 2023, Merkle introduced a global accelerator for Salesforce Commerce Cloud and integrated Merkle GenCX with Salesforce Einstein, harnessing the power of generative AI to drive insights and recommendations.
    • Merkle's proprietary identity resolution solution, Merkury, is now available on Salesforce AppExchange, enabling brands to leverage actionable insights from enterprise data sets for marketing and commerce use cases.
  4. Customer Experience Innovation at Salesforce Connections:

    • Merkle will host two sessions at Salesforce Connections, showcasing customer experience innovation:
      • "How a B2C Mindset + B2B Tech Creates Customer Centricity"
      • "Skincare for All: Global Access, Local Touch"

Merkle's two-decade collaboration with Salesforce exemplifies a commitment to driving customer-centric experiences and innovation in the digital landscape. With a focus on continuous enhancement and industry leadership, Merkle continues to redefine customer experience management, delivering value to leading brands globally.