Jumio's 2024 Online Identity Study: Deepfake Concerns and Global Fraud Awareness | Martech Edge | Best News on Marketing and Technology
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Jumio's 2024 Online Identity Study: Deepfake Concerns and Global Fraud Awareness

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Jumio's 2024 Online Identity Study: Deepfake Concerns and Global Fraud Awareness

Jumio's 2024 Online Identity Study: Deepfake Concerns and Global Fraud Awareness

Business Wire

Published on : May 15, 2024

New research from Jumio also reveals consumers continue to overestimate their ability to spot deepfakes and want governments to do more to regulate AI

Jumio unveils its 2024 Online Identity Study, uncovering consumer worries over deepfake threats and widespread experiences with online fraud. The research, spanning the UK, US, Singapore, and Mexico, highlights the urgent need for robust security solutions in today's digital landscape.

  1. Deepfake Concerns:

    • 72% of consumers express daily worries about falling victim to deepfake deception.
    • Despite rising concerns, 60% believe they can spot deepfakes, showcasing overconfidence in detection abilities.
    • Varied confidence levels exist across genders and age groups, underscoring the need for heightened awareness.
  2. Calls for AI Regulation:

    • 60% of consumers advocate for increased governmental regulation of AI to combat deepfake risks.
    • Global variations in regulatory trust reveal differing perceptions of government capabilities in regulating AI.
  3. Online Fraud Experiences:

    • 68% of respondents report direct or indirect experiences with online fraud or identity theft.
    • US consumers lead as direct fraud victims (39%), while Singaporeans top the list for knowing victims (51%).
  4. Impact of Fraud:

    • Online fraud experiences range from minor inconveniences to significant problems, causing administrative burdens and trauma for victims.
    • Daily worries persist among consumers regarding data breaches and account takeover attacks.
  5. Identity Verification Preferences:

    • Consumers prioritize identity verification measures for enhanced security across various industries.
    • Multimodal biometric verification, including ID scanning and live selfies, emerges as the preferred method for creating new online accounts.
  6. Role of Security Systems:

    • Sophisticated security systems, incorporating biometric-based verification, are vital in combating deepfakes and cyber deception.
    • Such technologies offer stronger protection against emerging online threats compared to traditional methods.

Jumio's study underscores the critical need for advanced security measures amid rising deepfake concerns and global fraud incidents. As consumers demand stronger AI regulation and embrace innovative identity verification methods, businesses must prioritize robust security solutions to safeguard both platforms and customers in the digital age.