Intelligent CloudCare Launches Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment/ Penetration Testing Service | Martech Edge | Best News on Marketing and Technology
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Intelligent CloudCare Launches Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment/ Penetration Testing Service


Intelligent CloudCare Launches Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment/ Penetration Testing Service

Intelligent CloudCare Launches Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment/ Penetration Testing Service


Published on : Jan 25, 2023

 Intelligent CloudCare, an IT services firm for small and medium-sized businesses and a subsidiary of Intelligent Product Solutions, today launched a Vulnerability Assessment/Penetration Testing (VA-PT) offering that includes a vulnerability scan of an organization’s internal IT network and recommendations on how to address its vulnerabilities. The VA-PT from Intelligent CloudCare also includes a risk analysis of the IT vulnerabilities, reporting on the cybersecurity threat level and the probability that it will be exploited.

“Businesses and organizations of all sizes are targets for ransomware and cyberattacks, and are often unaware of their vulnerabilities,” said Danny Aponte, Managing Director of Intelligent CloudCare. “With our IT vulnerability assessment, we help organizations identify problems that may have gone undetected, underestimated or overlooked --to help protect them from being exploited by cyber criminals, and enabling them to continue running their businesses without disruption.”

In addition to its VA-PT offering, Intelligent CloudCare helps companies and organizations manage their IT networks, including providing desktop support, server management, infrastructure analysis and web hosting. It provides a range of IT services including: Infrastructure Analysis; Desktop Support; Server Management for on-premises servers; Cloud/Hybrid Hosting; Website Hosting; Business Continuity and Custom Solutions that enable peak performance for equipment and employees.