Fullstory Launches Data Direct: A Game-Changing Solution for Behavioral Data Activation | Martech Edge | Best News on Marketing and Technology
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Fullstory Launches Data Direct: A Game-Changing Solution for Behavioral Data Activation

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Fullstory Launches Data Direct: A Game-Changing Solution for Behavioral Data Activation

Fullstory Launches Data Direct: A Game-Changing Solution for Behavioral Data Activation

Business Wire

Published on : Apr 23, 2024

Fullstory introduces a new way for enterprises to harness comprehensive, high-quality behavioral data as a standalone source 

Discover how Fullstory's latest offering, Data Direct, revolutionizes the activation of behavioral data by seamlessly syncing it to a company's chosen destination. This article explores how Data Direct empowers businesses to leverage high-quality behavioral insights to enhance customer engagement, drive revenue growth, and improve decision-making.

1. Unveiling Data Direct:
   - Fullstory launches Data Direct, a groundbreaking solution designed to sync clean, structured, AI-ready behavioral data to a company's destination of choice.
   - By activating web and mobile sentiment signals, including digital movements, interactions, and patterns, Data Direct transforms how businesses engage with customers and drive bottom-line impact.

2. Unlocking the Power of Behavioral Data: 
   - Fullstory CEO, Scott Voigt, emphasizes the significance of comprehensive first-party behavioral data in understanding customers and driving business success.
   - McKinsey & Company research highlights that organizations leveraging customer behavioral insights outperform peers in sales growth and gross margin, underscoring the value of high-quality behavioral data.

3. Empowering Enterprises with Quality Data:  
   - Data Direct simplifies the capture and utilization of quality behavioral data across web and mobile platforms, enabling enterprises to enhance personalization, forecasting, and modeling efforts.
   - Built on Fullstory's robust behavioral data platform, Data Direct surfaces sentiment insights to reveal the untold story behind user behaviors, driving better decision-making.

4. Key Capabilities of Data Direct:  
   - Data Studio enhances Fullstory's autocapture capabilities, allowing teams to visually inspect and tag events, elements, and pages for improved data quality.
   - Streaming Webhooks enable data teams to push event data based on user behaviors and sentiments, facilitating real-time insights.
   - Pre-built integrations with leading platforms like Google BigQuery, Snowflake, RedShift, and Amazon S3 ensure seamless data integration and accessibility.

With Data Direct, Fullstory empowers enterprises to harness the power of comprehensive behavioral data for enhanced customer engagement and business growth. By providing a direct, standalone source of AI-ready data, Data Direct enables organizations to drive personalized experiences, accurate predictions, and revenue growth with ease. As businesses strive to understand and connect with their customers on a deeper level, Data Direct emerges as a game-changing solution for unlocking actionable insights and driving impactful outcomes.