2023 Paid Enrollment Data Study Unveils What Consumers Think About Subscription-based Loyalty | Martech Edge | Best News on Marketing and Technology
2023 Paid Enrollment Data Study Unveils What Consumers Think About Subscription-based Loyalty


2023 Paid Enrollment Data Study Unveils What Consumers Think About Subscription-based Loyalty

2023 Paid Enrollment Data Study Unveils What Consumers Think About Subscription-based Loyalty


Published on : Sep 25, 2023

New research from ebbo dives into consumers' willingness to sign up for paid enrollments and how these offers can impact loyalty program engagement.

Subscriptions are everywhere – from streaming content to meal services to apparel boxes, the subscription model has been adopted by many brands to provide convenience to their customers, reach a bigger audience and bring in steady incremental revenue.

And more recently, there's been a rise in subscription-based loyalty programs and incentives, specifically paid enrollment, where consumers can sign up for limited-time benefits or offers in exchange for a fee.

To better understand the impact of paid enrollment and how consumers feel about them, ebbo, a leading provider of end-to-end loyalty solutions, surveyed 1300 U.S. consumers about the factors that drive engagement in these offers as well as how they impact customer loyalty.

ebbo's research found that 54% of consumers are willing to participate in a subscription-based paid enrollment program if the benefits were deemed valuable, with discounts, coupons and/or cash-back on purchases being the most important paid enrollment benefits to consumers at 70%.

  • Key findings from the data study include:
  • 64% of existing loyalty members would sign up for a valuable paid enrollment.
  • 60% of consumers are interested in free loyalty programs that offer paid enrollment benefits.
  • 74% of consumers indicated that discounts on products (i.e. a restaurant subscription that gives free drinks or discounted menu items) would incentivize them to sign up for a paid enrollment.
  • 71% of consumers are likely to recommend subscription products they're excited about to friends and family.
  • 28% of consumers say their preferred brands don't offer paid enrollment.

"Given the rise of the subscription economy, there's no better time to apply this model to loyalty," said Tyler Haskins, EVP of Marketing at ebbo. "Consumers are interested in paid enrollment and it provides an opportunity for brands to better engage them while adding an incremental revenue stream."

Download the full ebbo 2023 Paid Enrollment Data Study here.