How Composable Commerce is Efficient in B2B? | Martech Edge | Best News on Marketing and Technology

How Composable Commerce is Efficient in B2B?


Published on 28th Dec, 2022

From monolithic systems to microservices, we have come a long road & explored a variety of architectural patterns that have both benefits & drawbacks. Composable commerce aims to minimize the downside by shedding the ‘sizeism’ of a particular vendor. 

Composable Commerce is not just a factor that differentiates the frontend and backend elements of a commerce platform, but it is also helpful in adapting to the various market dynamics essential to keep the business updated and running. Moreover, it utilizes modern technologies like MACH (Microservices, API, Cloud, and Headless) and JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup) to adapt to the volatile marketing dynamics.

Did You Know?

Gartner coined the term “composable commerce” in research from June 2020. That was how it all began. (Source: Gartner)

Now let’s delve into an insightful idea of composable commerce.

Composable Commerce in B2B Context

B2B is evolving, and it needs a mechanism that can be molded according to the needs to provide the utmost performance and upgraded functionalities.

Composable commerce is the right strategy that can enable a B2B organization to constantly upscale digital commerce experiences by combining numerous best-of-breed providers into a full, business-ready solution. Here’s why! 

Benefits of Using Composable Commerce in B2B

Better Customization: Composable commerce provides you with the freedom to design your platform as per your unique needs and create a unique solution that would help you maintain the top position.

Greater Customer Experience: 80% of customers are more likely to buy from a firm that offers personalized experiences (Source: Epsilon). Composable commerce becomes a perfect platform for your customers to access their accounts and orders as well as receive personalized offers.

Low-code Capability: Low-code feature diminishes the obstacles associated with integrating various technologies, and enterprises may interface with various software silos more effectively and efficiently.

Unlimited Scalability: Without being updated with the proper and latest solutions, there is a high chance for your website to slow down or crash due to limited capacity. Composable commerce has the upper hand in ensuring infinite scalability using cloud-based architecture.

Points to Remember While Developing Your Composable Enterprise?

Things to consider while creating a Composable Commerce strategy:

· Business architecture may be used to foster innovation while transforming the business and operations.

· Utilize adaptable working habits and co-creation methods.

· Use the power of information to make better decisions and provide innovative services.

· Modify the digital and technological platforms to allow for transformation and rapid deployment by integrating current with new and emerging technologies.

Wrapping Up

Composable commerce provides you with a platform to boost your growth curve on an economical and developmental scale. After switching to and adopting a composable solution, your B2B business experience will get even smoother.

How Composable Commerce is Efficient in B2B?

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